Vol. 18 No. 2 (2015): Venticinque anni di italianistica Dodici libri da rileggere (1990-2015)

The «diritto della critica di essere squilibrata». Ottocento come noi. Saggi e pretesti italiani by Luigi Baldacci.

Fabio Danelon
Università degli Studi di Verona

Published 2015-12-09


  • Luigi Baldacci,
  • nineteenth century,
  • literary criticism.


This essay examines Luigi Baldacci’s final book which brings togethersome of his most important studies on the nineteenth century. Through clearand original prose, the author presents a new view on the italian literary productionof the nineteenth century, which is analyzed as if it were a “progressive andnihilistic” person. The 1800s are observed from a pessimistic, laical and materialisticpoint of view. While presenting some prominent figures, Baldacci’s clevernessstands out especially in his discussions on Leopardi and De Roberto.