Information For Authors

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

Peer-review Process

The review process consists of the following stages

1) Each paper proposed to Nuova Rivista di Letteratura Italiana and submitted through the electronic platform will be preliminarily screened by the Editorial Board, which will unanimously decide whether or not it is eligible for anonymous double peer review; in case of doubt, the Editorial Board may also consult the members of the International Scientific Committee at this preliminary stage. Each member of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee undertakes to declare any potential conflict of interest. The decision to accept or reject a proposal at this preliminary stage will be based on the relevance, originality, clarity and validity of the study within the scope of the journal.

2) In the event that the proposed work is deemed ineligible for anonymous review, the author(s) will receive, via the electronic platform of the journal, a notification of the decision, which will also include a summary of the reasons for the Management's judgement.

3) If the proposed paper is deemed eligible for anonymous review, the Editorial Board will identify two possible qualified reviewers of the paper, who agree to inform the Editorial Board in advance of any potential conflict of interest. The peer review - double-blind - cannot be carried out by members of the management, but can be carried out by members of the International Scientific Committee who have not already been approached in phase 1). The selected reviewers can be contacted either via the NRLI electronic platform (in which case they follow the instructions there to carry out the review) or by e-mail (in which case they fill in a form previously prepared by the Board). In both cases, the content of the review will remain strictly confidential and will be archived on the NRLI's electronic platform, which will thus keep a complete record of all the stages of the editorial process, from the proposal of the text to its possible revision and final publication.

4) In case of disagreement between the two identified reviewers, a third reviewer, identified and contacted as described above, will be used.

5) The reviewers' assessments and comments, if any, will be sent - via the NRLI platform or by e-mail - to the author, who, depending on the extent of the changes required, will have up to one month to return the text in its final version (scrupulously adapted to the NRLI's editorial criteria, indicated on the website) and upload it to the platform. The satisfactory application by the author of the suggestions and substantive corrections considered essential by the reviewers will be checked by the Editors.

6) The text checked by the editors and the reviewers and, if necessary, corrected by the author, will be sent to the Editorial Board, which will be responsible for perfecting its editorial suitability according to the editorial criteria of the NRLI; a native speaker expert will also check the correctness of the abstracts in English that each article has. Under no circumstances are members of the editorial staff involved in the revision process.

7) The text goes to the printing stage, is given a DOI code, and is submitted for review by the author(s) and the editorial staff in two separate rounds of proofreading.

Article processing charges (APC)

The journal does not charge for the processing of submissions. Any request to the contrary should be immediately denounced to the Publisher.

Deposit Policy

- At the time of publication, the authors of the article may deposit the draft version (not the final version) in institutional archives with restricted access (e.g. Cineca, Anvur), indicating the details of the actual publication (journal title, volume, number, pages, and DOI).

- 18 months after publication, the article will be placed under a CC BY SA 4.0 license and stored on the journal's website. All rights remain with the author.

If the author wishes to request immediate Open Access publication of his/her contribution, without waiting for the end of the embargo period, a fee of EUR 500.00 will be charged. To make this type of request, please contact our administrative office ( and the journal manager (, indicating: the title of the article, the details of the file to which it belongs, the details of the person to whom the invoice should be addressed, the existence of any research funding.