Reconstructing ‘Tenzoni’ (with a reconstructed tenzone between Antonio degli Alberti and Alberto degli Albizzi)
Published 2024-11-07
- Tenzone,
- XIIITH Century Poetry,
- XIVTH Century Poetry,
- Alberto degli Albizzi,
- Antonio degli Alberti
- Meo Abbracciavacca,
- Dotto Reali,
- Panuccio dal Bagno,
- Pucciandone Martelli ...More
After a foreword on the study of poetic tenzoni in xiiith and xivth centuries, I focus on a few cases of scattered or wrongly reconstructed tenzoni: (1) an exchange between Meo Abbracciavacca and Dotto Reali, and their appendices (xiiith Century); (2) an exchange between Antonio degli Alberti and Alberto degli Albizzi (xivth Century); (3) an exchange between Panuccio dal Bagno and Pucciandone Martelli (xiiith Century).