V. 15 N. 1-2 (2012)

Gallian e le riviste romane d’avanguardia negli anni Venti

Pubblicato 2013-09-24

Parole chiave

  • Marcello Gallian,
  • second futurism,
  • anarcho-fascism,
  • «L’interplanetario»


Through a dense analysis of Marcello Gallian’s writings (1902-1968) published in some little Roman reviews like «Spirito Nuovo», «I lupi», «2000», «Avanscoperta» and «L’interplanetario», this paper is aimed at clarifying his role in the period of the second futurism. In this context Gallian’s anarcho-fascism and his radical protest represent an original, unusual voice denouncing the social hardships experienced by his own genera tion.