V. 15 N. 1-2 (2012)

Una profezia del 1313 su Siena di fronte a Enrico VII e la questione della ‘frottola’

Maria Clotilde Camboni
Università di pisa

Pubblicato 2013-09-24

Parole chiave

  • Prophecies,
  • Henry VII,
  • 1313,
  • Siena,
  • rhymed prose,
  • <i>frottola</i>.
  • ...Più


The essay provides the commented edition of a hitherto unpublished prophecy and shows that it refers to an event involving the emperor Henry VII and his army; it took place around Siena at the beginning of 1313. The research also investigates the form of the prophecy. On the base of a compared analysis with similar forms, treaties and texts, which suggests some new hypotheses, the article comes to the conclusion that it should be regarded as a rhymed prose.